Calif, Sen, Diane Fienstien has been saying that 80% of the citizens want Illegals to have a path to citizenship.
When I heard that, I hit the phone.
I called her office. I talked to one of the staff and started asking where she came up with these statistics.
He was a real smart ass. He told me that she received the polls from the L.A. Times and Wahington Post.
I said, Do you mean that she takes polls from liberal media as equal and unbias polls!?
And then we got into it.
I then call a radio station who just happened to be talking about the same thing.
I said, (not knowing That I was on the air) that I would challenge Fienstien to call a news conference and show proof of her statistics, or I would meet her personally and call her a liar to her face.
After that the phones started ringing at this radio station.
Come to find out I was not the only one she had pissed off.
In fact her Email inbox was full.