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Sala de Prensa Press Room

El Presidente Calderón conversa vÃ*a telefónica con el Presidente de Los Estados Unidos, George W. The President Calderon telephone conversation with the President of The United States, George W. Bush

Martes, 5 de Febrero | Comunicado Tuesday, February 5 | Statement

Ciudad de México, Residencia Oficial. Mexico City, official residence.


El dÃ*a de hoy el Presidente Felipe Calderón sostuvo una conversación telefónica con el Presidente de Estados Unidos, George W. Today President Felipe Calderon held a telephone conversation with United States President George W. Bush, con objeto de intercambiar opiniones sobre diversos temas de interés para la relación bilateral. Bush, in order to exchange views on various topics of interest to the bilateral relationship.

El Presidente de EUA reconoció la labor del Gobierno de México en materia de lucha contra el crimen organizado, y reiteró su confianza en la inclusión de recursos para la Iniciativa Mérida en el presupuesto que el Ejecutivo estadounidense presentó el dÃ*a de ayer ante el Congreso de ese paÃ*s. The President of the USA recognized the efforts of the Government of Mexico regarding the fight against organized crime, and reiterated their confidence in the inclusion of resources for the Initiative Merida in the budget that the American Executive introduced yesterday before Congress that country.

El Presidente Calderón, por su parte, subrayó la importancia que tiene el combate al tráfico de armas, dentro del marco de la lucha común contra el crimen organizado. The President Calderon, for his part, stressed the importance of combating smuggling of arms, within the framework of the common fight against organized crime.

Ambos mandatarios intercambiaron opiniones sobre la situación económica en México y EUA. Both Leaders exchanged views on the economic situation in Mexico and the USA. El Presidente Bush manifestó su confianza en que el paquete de estÃ*mulo fiscal recientemente aprobado redundará en beneficios tanto para las empresas como para los consumidores estadounidenses, lo que dará estabilidad a las relaciones económicas y comerciales entre ambos paÃ*ses. President Bush expressed his confidence that the fiscal stimulus package recently approved will benefit both for businesses and for American consumers, which will give stability to economic and trade relations between the two countries.

El Presidente Calderón, por su parte, comentó sobre la visita de trabajo que, en caso de que el Congreso de la Unión lo autorice, realizará próximamente a la Unión Americana, subrayando que durante la misma reiterará el compromiso de su Gobierno con la defensa de los intereses de los mexicanos en EUA. The President Calderon, for his part, commented on the working visit, in the event that Congress authorized, forthcoming to the American Union, stressing that during the same reiterate the commitment of his Government to defend the interests of Mexicans in the United States.

Ambos mandatarios confirmaron el interés de reunirse en la ciudad de Nueva Orleáns el próximo mes de abril en el marco de la Cumbre de LÃ*deres de América del Norte, asÃ* como de seguir dialogando en temas de gran importancia para la relación bilateral como son la migración, la promoción de vÃ*nculos financieros y comerciales y la lucha contra el crimen organizado, entre otros. Both agents confirmed the interest of meeting in the city of New Orleans next April in the framework of the Summit of Leaders of North America, as well as to continue the dialogue on issues of great importance to bilateral relations including migration, promoting trade and financial links and the fight against organised crime, among others.


Press Room
The President Calderon telephone conversation with the President of the United States, George W.Bush
Tuesday,February 5
Mexico City, official residence.


Today president Felipe Calderon held a telephone conversation with the United States president George W. Bush, in order to exchange views on various topics of interest to the bilateral relationship.

The president of the USA recognized the effects of the Government of Mexico regarding the fight against organized crime, and reiterated their confidence in the inclusion of resources for the Initiative Merida in the budget that the American Executive introduced yesterday before congress that country.

The president Calderon, for his part, stressed the importance of combating smuggling of arms. within the framework of the common fight against organized crime.

Both leaders exchanged views on the economic situaton in mexico and the USA. president Bush expressed his cofidence that the fiscal stimulus package recently approved will benefit both for buisnesses and for American consumers, which will give stability to economic and trade relations between the two countries.

The president Calderon, for his part, commented on the working visit in the event that congress authorized, forthcoming to the American Union, stressing that during the same reiterate the commitment of his Government to defend the interests of Mexicans in the United States.

Both agents confirmed the interest of meeting in the city of New Orleans next April in the framework of the Summit of Leaders of North America, as well as to continue the dialogue on issues of great importance to bilateral relations including migration, promoting trade and financial links and the fight against organized crime, among others.

last updated wednesday feb 6 at 17:13 by Jose Antonio Monterrosas Figueiras.