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Enforce laws of immigration on the books

July 26, 2007

Rita Carter writes that the immigration bill failed because of George Bush's incompetence (July 9 letter). Boy, did she get that wrong.

The immigration bill failed because our tin-eared representatives in Washington, D.C., finally heard the wrath of the voters. Their Web sites and switchboards were overloaded and shut down by thousands of angry e-mails, faxes and telephone messages from outraged citizens. It scared them to the point of seeing their political lives flash before their eyes. All the time this was happening, Bush was urging them to pass the bill.

More than 70 percent of citizens polled on the immigration problem stated they don't want an outrageous new 800-page immigration bill. They just want the current bill enforced. And members of Congress, shaking in their boots, heard them.

- Jack Banghart,
Des Moines. ... 35/OPINION