I have pledged $500.00 dollars to ALIPAC Fund raiser but we still need more.

For every dollar pledged I will match up to an additional $500.00. This is your chance to grab my wallet.

So ALIPAC will get my donation of $500.00 tonight

Now comes my second $500.00... starting today

If you donate $1.00 I will match that $1.00
If you donate $10.00 I will match that $10.00
If you donate $20.00 I will match that $20.00
If you donate $50.00 I will match that $50.00
If you donate $100.00 I will match that $100.00
You get the idea

This is your chance to pick my pockets to pull an additional 500.00 out for a GREAT site ALIPAC

Oh... I would still love to see someone match my first 500.00 .... I know there are some Fat Cat's (Money wise) out there that are worried about they're children's and Grand Children's FUTURE....

When I leave this world I want to know I made a difference, how about You!

God Bless ALIPAC; God Bless America; and God Bless You Patriots!!!!