
Folks this week Republicans are meeting with Obama to talk about a "bi-partisan" way to address illegal alien issue. BEWARE! The last "bi-partisan solution" to illegal aliens was in 1986! We need to all write, email, phone (senators and congresspeople have local offices) every Federal Politician we are able to remind them once and for all the Will of The People.

In 1986 Ronald Reagan and Democratic Congress gave 3 million illegal aliens a "path to citizenship" allowing them to stay in the United States as workers. The Democratic Congress and Republican President made a "bi-partisan" promise that they would "secure" the border and "crack down" on employers hiring illegal aliens. That opened the flood gates of illegal immigration. January 1, 2001 saw George Bush inaugurated President with an unemployment rate of 4.1% and 6.9 MILLION illegal aliens. Today, the U3 (unemployed less than 6 months) rate is 10% and the U6 (all unemployment) rate is 17% -- and we have between 12 to 23 million illegal aliens in the U.S. Yet politicians say we are in recovery, and should grant another "path to citizenship" to the 12 to 23 MILLION illegal aliens.

On September 11, 2001 the United States was attacked by illegal alien terrorists who murdered 3,000 American Citizens. The Bush administration sprang to action opening our borders, then started two UNFUNDED, UN-BUDGETED wars, one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. Since 9/11/01 according to Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa 37,230 American Citizens have been MURDERED by illegal aliens in the United States -- MORE than ALL the American Military killed since 2001! Congressman King further reports that since 9/11/01 40,332 American Citizens have been KILLED by illegal alien drunk drivers -- more than all US military killed since 2001. Deborah Schurman-Kauflin of the Violent Crimes Institute of Atlanta reports there are 240,000 serious sex offender illegal aliens in the United States -- considering 10 years and 4 sex offences per serious serial sex offender, they have committed approximately 1,000,000 sex crimes against American Citizens and CHILDREN since 9/11/01. Devastating the American Workplace, the illegal alien army and offshoring are directly responsible for 17% of American Voters being unemployed and living in tent cities or temporarily with family. This is nothing less than war by La Raza illegal aliens, as Miguel Perez, President of LA RAZA'S MEChA chapter, said, "The ultimate ideology is the liberation of Aztlan (Southwestern United States). Communism would be closest. Once Aztlan is established, ETHNIC CLEANSING WOULD COMMENCE.." Imagine that, an army invades the United States of America murders 80,000 United States Citizen Civilians, rapes 1,000,000 American Women and Children, and destroys 17% of our national workforce, and makes 17% of our population homeless. Congress and President Obama respond by offering the invaders a "path to citizenship" since they can't do anything about it -- can't make them go and are helpless. Yes citizenship for felons, and President Obama and Congress make more empty promises about securing our border too -- just like Ronald Reagan and the Democratic Congress did in 1986.

There is a law on the books that IF ENFORCED would solve the problem. There is nothing in the Constitution or law that prohibits Local, State and any Federal agency -- including the United States military - from enforcing laws and defending our nation in an emergency. Why have laws if they are not enforced in good faith? Under Title 8 Section 1325 of the U.S. Code, "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who: Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact; has committed a federal crime. Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense. Offenders were to be deported. The law is not enforced - why? In San Francisco -- the City government wants all illegal aliens counted in the 2010 census so San Francisco gets ONE more Nancy Pelosi. San Francisco also wants MORE federal money and feels the 200,000 illegal aliens in the city will help make city politicians rich. They already crowd illegal aliens into tenement slums, 8 to a room at $300 a head. Money and power is why the laws are not enforced. President Obama and Congress are selling the American People down the river for money and power. President Obama and the Congress have seriously breached their fiduciary duties and laughed at allegiance to the United States-- they are committing HIGH TREASON.

Deport all illegal aliens and grant them NO citizenship, no guest worker permits, no amnesty, protect our borders, fine employers hiring any illegal $100,000 and prison time, remove incentives to illegals like licenses and welfare, enforce existing laws, no citizenship for children of illegal aliens, remove American citizenship from those with dual citizenship, end offshoring, place high tariffs on any nation using slave labor like China! America and Americans first! Enforce rule of Law!