The Former USA

Subtitle: Get These Traitors Out Of Office
Full text:

by J. Palmer

They start their day off with a prayer. Who are they praying to? It does not appear to be the same God that our founding fathers prayed to. Then it is time for the pledge of allegiance but I wonder who or what they are pledging to. They are supposedly directing their attention to a very large American Flag, but their actions speak something much different.

I am writing this feeling a little more than dejected of the fact that our elected leaders in congress who are supposed to represent "We the People", has just voted in favor of the Central Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). Millions of Americans fought against this agreement, yet members of congress either under pressure by the GOP or who seemed to have other interests at heart voted for it.

Many would say that I should be rejoicing because CAFTA will help increase trade, improve international relations, improve national security, stop the influx of illegal immigrants from invading our nation and even help save jobs in America. My response to that is this is simply, Hogwash!

Here are some things the CAFTA folks didn't tell you. They forgot to mention that CAFTA will open our borders for more trade and thanks to the NAFTA Highway goods and people will be flowing into our country like never before. We can complain, no not to congress because they will not have a say so under the new agreement, nope their will be tribunals and the World Trade Organization (WTO) to contend with. Not only that, but if one of the countries in this agreement complain about us stopping too many immigrants by lowering the number of visas we give, they can sue the United states under the agreement. This is called giving up our sovereignty our right to self-rule and self government. What kind of fools have we put into office?

Those of you who enjoy taking vitamins better get ready to go to your doctor as soon as this is ratified, because of the CODEX provision, you will have to get a prescription in order to get vitamins larger than the USDA recommended daily amount. These will be synthetic vitamins produced by the same pharmaceutical companies who lobbied for the forced psychological testing of your children starting next year from ages 0-18. It makes me wonder why there is a war on drugs if half of the kids are going to be medicated. Is it really a necessary to have a war on it if we are cramming them down their throats as a gateway drug?

I could go on and on about this, but most well informed intelligent people already know about the faults of CAFTA and why it should not be passed and why the Free Trade Area of The Americas (FTAA) should not be signed into law. here is the list of a few people that seem as though they may be lacking those skills because they are the ones that voted to pass this bill; they are responsible for the demise of our once great nation.

These are the people that voted away your nation. Study it and learn it and make sure that none of these people are re-elected in November 2006. But I cannot just blame them, there are others at fault as well. Our beloved President pushed for this along with Vice President Dick Cheney and I am certain that they are not pushing it because they might have some special interests in South America. But there is still more blame to go around. Those of you who were too busy to get involved in politics or too bored and thought that mindless television programs are more exciting are to blame as well. Why call yourself an American if you do not get involved with politics?

Finally there is another person people that I put a great deal of blame on and that is Congresswoman Jo An Davis because she simply did not vote. CAFTA is a major issue. Why did she not vote? Was she suddenly ill and rushed to the hospital? No, she missed the vote because she drove down to a Boy Scout jamboree because "Our Leader" was supposed to make a guest appearance but to her dismay it rained and President Bush canceled his trip. Congresswoman Davis returned to D.C. but was a half hour late for the vote. I certainly hope that she had a nice trip at the expense of her constituents and at the cost of our nation's sovereignty.

Adam Shepard of Charles Taylor's office told me that Mr. Taylor's vote was not recorded and that "Mr. Taylor did vote against CAFTA as he has on all trade agreements." He went on to say that they are working with the clerk to get his vote rectified. Let us hope that he does.

Remember what these representatives did to your country, remember them on Election Day and vote so that they have to find another occupation. Vote for an independent if need be, but do not let those who have sacrificed our nation stay in office one minute longer than they need to. Hold them accountable. Vote them out, run against them, but get them out of office!

Excellent JP. You've said it all!