I. What is El Foro Latino?
El Foro Latino is a statewide conference organized by El Pueblo, Inc that annually attracts over 400 community leaders, service providers, policy makers, and youth who have an interest in strengthening North Carolina’s Latino community. El Foro Latino will take place on May 20th and 21st, 2006 at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro’s Elliott Center. This year we are pleased to be collaborating with the UNC-Greensboro’s Center for New North Carolinians

II. Proposal Description
El Pueblo, Inc. is seeking workshop proposals for El Foro Latino focusing on the identified track areas listed below. Topics listed within the track areas are not all-inclusive but merely suggestive. Proposals can address other issues than those listed below but must fit within one (or more) tracks. The tracks are:

• Advocacy: Addressing topics such as state and federal legislative issues, electoral empowerment, basic advocacy/lobbying skills, and coalition-building.
• Health: Addressing topics such as AIDS/HIV, nutrition and diabetes education, domestic violence, Medicaid and Medicare, disease prevention, and popular education models for health education.
• Education: Addressing topics such as Smart Start/Pre-K Education, ESL programs, access to higher education, navigating the school system.
• Community Development: Addressing topics such as predatory lending, affordable housing, and asset development, serving the “Un-bankedâ€