Remaining ALIPAC online activists,

So thankful you are here and still participating. Our site may be old, but it is still in the game.

Our oldest posts here go back to 2004, and things were a lot different in those early years.

Now, our site floats in a sea of bots and criminals trying to get in her to post fake viagra ads any way they can and most of America's citizenry are making their comments known in the internet ghettos on Twitter, Facebook, etc...

Online forums are stil up online but are in many ways like the phone line based BBSs of the past lol

Question, Can we get some of you to do some online research and recon to see..

1. What other large comment forums are still up out there?

2. Which ones are still populated with humans like us participating vs no new comments or bots posting?

3. Which surviving online communities have the best search engine indexing and web traffic?

I see that Free Republic forum is still up and running and trying to raise $75k in their fourth quarter.
