This is the June Newsletter from TSCL

Ask the Advisor: June 2011 Advisor

Q: The best way to help Social Security and Medicare is get people off the rolls who don't belong there — the non-citizens who have come here illegally, and their dependents who have never paid into Social Security. Wouldn’t there be enough to take care of the seniors we already have if we did?

A: It’s hard to know because no official government estimates seem to exist. Just how do illegal workers wind up on Social Security rolls? In order to get jobs they often provide employers with invalid, fake, or even stolen Social Security numbers. Employers withhold payroll taxes as required by law and wage reports are sent in to the Social Security Administration (SSA). If the name and Social Security number reported by employers doesn’t match those in the SSA’s records, the “mismatched reports are placed in an “Earnings Suspense File.
