I'm really sorry , I have a (relatives in town) commitment for tomorrow night , I did want to do this so I thought I'd go early on relax time , this is a theme I wanted to do for a while , In the 70s I actually knew and contributed to the Dr Demento show , I'm still in touch with the good doctor but none of my contributions survived , but still there is lots of good stuff


I've tried to pair the better vids with the music

Been here many times


When I first heard this , there was no vid , these guys did an ok job


A work of genius


Parody is one of the highest forms of art


Frank Zappa , what can you say , I will do a whole night on Zappa in the future ,
Just a taste , it rates as comedy music ,

The 30s/40s had Spike Lee , then there was Alan Freedman , Then we had the greatest parody/comedy artist of the modern age
Weird Al (knew him from his early Dr Demento days where he got his start)


A couple more friends from the early Dr Demento days
Barnes and Barnes
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ebu0DDEZ ... re=related


Very rare song , I had to email the Dr to find out how to find it

Sounds kind of like open borders supporters


This is from 1956 , I still have the actual LP

"pop the fluid in me Louie"

I could go on all night
