Found this in my mailbox today. I've removed the person's name to protect their ID.


I am an American whose parents are hispanic, both from different Latin American
countries. My father a Cuban exiled thirty years ago and a Mexican mother. I lived
in Mexico for seven years because of my parents divorce. I can not tell you enough
about the way Mexicans live, feel and think- I would need to do a special report
1000 pages long .I will say this: the upper and even middle class Mexicans use
themselves cheap labor but are ridiculous and envy driven in their opinions of the
mean gringo. Even educated and intellectual Mexicans. I am also a Medical
Interpreter here in The US, a lot of these people have been here for more than
fifteen years and still not a word of English and a sense of entitlement that is
frightening and disrespectful. I know that we give them all kinds of Charity and
government money. I work with this issue first hand every day. But I also speak
Spanish and much better then they are able to speak ( yes-many hispanics speak the
Spanish language poorly )it-if
I may ad. And I know what they truly think and feel. I know Americans are GOOD,
smart and compassionate people and feel for these poor good hard workers or at
least that is what the organizers and Mexican government wants you to believe and
feel. This is my small attempt to awaken this beautiful Nation. BEWARE-most do not
even like you-some of this people even those who are educated here and contribute
somewhat to the economy will disrupt and step on your values. Sooner or later they
will come out and be as they are in Mexico. Corrupt. DISLOYAL. Living in Mexico
City I can tell you these people are not grateful immigrants and Mexicans in Mexico
are encouraging them to leave while they also resent everything American, they are
more hypocritical than any other immigration I've ever dealt with. BEWARE. Please.
Americans! You will loose America as you know it to a life that is contrary of any
civility and respect. Mexicans never follow the proper procedures not here or
there. Most Every
thing in Mexico is corrupt; when I lived there people could get a license even
passport with the right cash, pay police of for any felony. These people are not
ready to follow the law-they never had to. Beware- if you defend them you will end
up biting your tongue- I promise this.

-No more birth right to those born of two illegal parents.
-No amnesty or reward for those who commit illegal acts.
-Begin a smart deportation program.
-No guest worker program –that already exists let them stay in line and wait as many
others do.
-BIG fines for hiring them. So maybe instead of paying the fines they pay legal
-Stop the fighting with true concerned citizens calling them stupid names and help
them -secure YOUR borders Mr. Government.
And for all those who feel guilty with their stories and tears know this: Behind is
a true selfishness that Americans have yet to discover but when you do you will then
see it was never your responsibility and you should have looked to save your own .


Thank you for this opportunity.