By Frosty Wooldridge
August 11, 2011

"The United States cannot afford to wait for the next energy crisis to marshal its intellectual and industrial resources. Our growing dependence on increasingly scarce Middle Eastern oil is a fool's game—there is no way for the rest of the world to win. Our losses may come suddenly through war, steadily through price increases, agonizingly through developing-nation poverty, relentlessly through climate change—or through all of the above." -James Woolsey, US Director of Central Intelligence 1993 - 1995

What more will it take for Americans to comprehend what it means to add 3.1 million immigrants to the United States annually? How can we add another 200,000 legal immigrants every 30 days with over 14 million unemployed American workers? What is Congress thinking? Why are Americans too apathetic or too stupid to act? How come no one understands the implications on multiple levels of adding 72 to 75 million legal immigrants to the USA by 2035? How can we rationally and emotionally accept that number of immigrants added in a blink of time?

What is the easiest and most common posture for dealing with our hyper-immigration equation? Short answer: ignore, deny, discount, pretend, reject or refute! Push for endless “sustainable growthâ€