A NEW fundraising effort has just been undertaken for Ramos and Compean, which involves selling "border patrol green" BRACELETS bearing in white print the words, "Free Ramos and Compean" and the US Border Patrol Seal! These bracelets will make GREAT conversation starters about SPREADING the WORD on the unjustly imprisoned agents and their families, and, hopefully, help to inspire yet MORE Americans to GET INVOLVED! A $5 donation will cover one bracelet. (full story on Ramos and Compean border patrol bracelets can be found here: http://agentramos.blogspot.com)

Send donations to:

Ramos and Compean Support Bracelet
P.O. Box 159
Litchfield Park, AZ 85340

Please allow up to four weeks for processing.

A website for this project is currently being established.