Check out this blog about that stooge mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. Some lady exposes this stooge for what he really is and the comments afterwards on the blog are just downright laughable. Accusing her of racism and the usual BS the OBL loves to spew. Seriously is the race card and the guilt card the only thing the OBL has in their arsenal? Well I guess they have outright violence which they use all too often in their so called peaceful protests. God forbid they would try to debunk your opinions based on facts. Oh that's right they don't have any facts to back their twisted logic. All they have is emotion and empty rhetoric. Check it out. ... d16bb5ed5b

Greetings from Arkansas

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa made a bunch of appearances yesterday in preparation for his scheduled Democratic response to the Bush State of the Union address. He got a dose of Arkansas, Third District style, on C-SPAN, the LA Times reports:

After saying that Los Angeles is not going to follow the lead of Costa Mesa and involve police officers more in identifying illegal immigrants, a caller from Arkansas said not enough was being done to counter illegal immigration.

The woman declared: "It's only after the influx of illegals that you were elected, sir. How is this possible?"

Clearly stunned, Villaraigosa responded, "Are you kidding?" After a long silence, he added, "I was born in the United States." {Nice dodge their Mechista boy}

Comments and Responses

I love comments like this, because they expose the concern over immigration by Republicans in northwest Arkansas for what it really is -- naked racism. They talk in terms of "upholding the law" but oppose changes in the law that would allow guest-worker programs. They beat the Bible on social issues but want to cut off financial aid to sick immigrant kids and change decades of law to prevent children of immigrants born the U.S. being recognized as citizens. At least callers like this are honest -- they don't like Latinos and don't use coded language. The sad irony of it all is that sometimes the grandchildren of immigrants, like Bill O'Reilly, are the ones leading the charge. Hopefully the Republicans will be honest, too, and nominate blatant racists like Jim Holt to public office so we can see their true colors. Posted : Racists revealed! 1/27/2006

Good post, "racists revealed."

I see a lot of the same racism cloaked in self righteousness at my school. I won't delve any further into that. Posted : JDR 1/27/2006

Thanks above, not only is it racist, its counter productive. I have lived in San Diego for many years and daily hundreds, if not thousands, of young Mexicans walk across the border and ride the tolley to schools in San Diego and adjoining cities. The school systems know these kids are using addresses of relatives in these communities but recognize the higher value of educating young Mexicans who can return to their country and grow their economy and contribute to the well-being of thier people so that in the future, immigration will not be a magnet to overcome the poverty of their own country.

If you have ever seen the fences between Tijuana and San Deigo you would think yourself back in a WW II concentration camp. We should be doing much more to help the Mexicans grow thier own economy, their people, and ferret out the corruption that prevents a solid middle class from forming.

The fact that improverished Mexicans [and other Latin Americans] decide to come to the US for economic improvement is a part of the long history of the role our country has played in the advancement of human rights and economic prosperity. But for too many Americans brown skin and fear of being economically eclipsed turns them nasty.

To challenge Villaraigosa like that demonstrates her ignorance of California. Many families of Mexican extraction are 5 generation Americans. The United States took their often large rancheros to develop California. Mayor Villaraigosa is not the first mayor of LA who was of Mexican extraction. There was one many decades ago who was elected long before the current wave of immigration to the city.

But I guess we shoudn't expect facts to overcome ignorance and bigotry. Posted : Janus 1/27/2006

Illegal immigrants (who should not be in this country to begin with) should not have access to benefits and resources that are for use by -legal- citizens.

This country has the right to control immigration.

As to the rest of your post, I'll let its illogic speak for itself. Posted : bbodb 1/27/2006

How embarressing for the people of our state to be represented by the likes of her! Anyone remotely familiar with Mayor Villaraigosa's life-story would never had made a comment like that. Having a number of friends of every ehtnicity in LA who worked on his campaign I know how wide-spread the support was for him was among the people of that great city. Posted : Saddened 1/27/2006

I've read this over several times and I can nothing racist about her question. She was merely asking Villaraigosa if illegals had voted to help him win.

Only very closed minded people, with an agenda, could claim to find anything the least bit racist in her question. And Villaraigosa did not answer her question, he merely changed the subject and replied, "I was born in the United States." This had nothing to do with her question. Posted : fredlb 1/27/2006


I agree wholeheartedly with what you describe (improving education opportunities) but why can't this be accomplish through legal means?

It would be so much easier for all of our systems (educational, social, etc) if they were not immundated with massive numbers of people that overwhelm their capacity to serve.

Do we need to reform our immigration laws - absolutely. There are a myriad of advantages to having immigrants here on a legal status that would help everyone involved I would think. Posted : bbodb 1/27/2006

The mayor's response didn't address the comment. You're right about that, fred. But I didn't know illegal aliens could vote. Posted : Bill 1/27/2006

Janus is absolutely right. The key to eliminating immigration from Mexico and Central America is to help these countries develop an economy that will entice their citizens to remain at home. The immigrants who come here are industrious and hard working people, and we’re lucky to have them. Our own economy would suffer if all these willing workers were to leave. They make good citizens, too. As for who is or is not a racist: The racists themselves know who and what they are. That’s enough.

Posted : Pavel 1/27/2006

Do we need to reform our immigration laws - absolutely. There are a myriad of advantages to having immigrants here on a legal status that would help everyone involved I would think. Posted : bbodb 1/27/2006

This Poster is their ladies and C-span caller's group cheif bottle washer ,you can bank on that its evident when he spewsssss racist reveiled comments like that one above..... Posted : racist watch 1/27/2006

Illegal aliens can not vote, not legally that is. That was her question ,and her assumption I suppose, "Did they vote illegally?". Posted : fredlb 1/27/2006

ARK. BLOG: And you could further infer from her comment that she believes that the only way a Hispanic could be elected would be through illegal means. Real white people would never vote for a guy with a name like that, right?

Some of the comments on this subject are an absolute hoot!

First off, what does demanding effective law enforcement have to do with 'racism'? Clearly those in favor of massive illegal immigration use that term loosely to stifle debate.

We have a beach apartment in Los Angeles and have been tracking the antics of Antonio Villaraigosa for years. This guy is rabidly anti-American and is a pro-corrupt Mexican government zealot. He is a craven traitor, a bona fide racist (belonged to MEChA, ran a local chapter of the ACLU, was a union goon, and is good pals with MALDEF and La Raza... the Tan Klan), and a lying slimeball who isn't fit to be a dog catcher, let alone mayor of a major city that is infested with illegal aliens. Keep an eye on this cretin if you want to see just how much more damage the third-world onslaught can do. Posted : Jay 1/27/2006

The people of Arkansas have always been equal opportunity racists. You can't fault our consistency. It isn't just the blacks or the Cubans or the Vietnamese or the Laotians or the Filipinos. It's everybody. And watch it! You could be next.

Posted : Catmando 1/27/2006

Wow Jay! Why don't you tell us what you think about blacks, Asians, Native Americans, Jews, Catholics,........... You pretty much covered the brown skinned people who are threatening you.

I have friends in Mecha, you should be more worried about what the Evangelicals want to do to the US.

It's easy to kick the ACLU around - big deal.

Oh, the big bad unions. Growing smaller in the last 40 years but still threatening you.

You are an equal opportunity bigot - hate La Raza too!

You told us what you thought LA was infested with - what are you infested with???

Oh, by the way, does this mean you didn't vote for him?

Crawl back under your rock frightened little man. Posted : Janus 1/27/2006

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