Let me start first, by saying if you disagree with anything I say, fine. Debate the topic. But please don't start name calling. What I post here is my current stance on immigration but that can change as I read more about it.

With that out of the way, let me start by saying that I am not a racist. I have family who live in Mexico actually. My grandfather lives in Mexico City as well as numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins. They are my step-mother's family and I love them all dearly. I would love for them to come back to the states to visit, and even move if they wish. Some, in the past, have moved into the states LEGALLY, and eventually went back home to be closer to my Abilito, who is getting frail and old.

I have nothing at all against Mexicans. My beef, though, is those that come into this country without going through the proper channels.

Let me pause a moment and say that I do know how hard it is to become a legal citizen here. I am married to an Australian citizen who wanted to move here after our wedding. The amount of paperwork to even begin the process was outrageous and the money needed was even more. While part of me understands why it was made so difficult, another part of me wished it would be a lot easier. (Just a side note... he returned to Australia the day his visa expired... 10 days after our wedding, and that was the last time I saw him. I am in the process of trying to divorce him but he is drawing it out as much as possible... 3 years, in fact... and I can't use the law as he's in Melbourne.)

That all said, this is what I wish would happen. First off... there are two choices. Either (a.) Send every illegal immigrant home.... if they have kids that were born here... into the system they go. These people are CRIMINALS. What they are doing is ILLEGAL. If a father and mother go out and rob a store and get caught... they get put in jail and the kids get put into the system... right? There ya have it. The kids can be put into the system... AND TAUGHT ENGLISH. The other choice (b.) Grant every illigal immigrant legal status. But charge them for back taxes. If they have no documents showing when they first got here... then set up a default time (say 3 years) and make them pay 3 years worth of taxes. Unfair? Don't like it? GO HOME.

Secondly, look at the immigration laws. Really look at them, not just from a red-tape-lover's point of view, but look at it from the point of view from someone wishing to be granted legal status. See what could be changed to make it not easier, really but take less time to become "legal".

Thirdly, put in a law that states that English is the national language. I am sick and tired of trying to find a job only to be turned down because I'm not bi-lingual. I shouldn't have to be. If I wanted to learn Spanish, I woulda done do and moved down to Mexico City, where I was offered my own home free of charge by my grandfather there! I hate going into stores and the cashiers can barely say "That will be 30 dollars and 95 cents (I HATE GAS PRICES TOO!!!) Have a nice day" because he was born somewhere else. (I don't care if most of the Arab, Iranian, Iraquian or whatevers are legal... learn to speak ENGLISH!)

When I visit Mexico, I don't expect everyone there to suddenly start speaking English so I can understand. I don't use the telephone there expecting to be able to understand that if I press "2" I can have my conversation in English. America has placated these people for too long! I don't want to press "1" for English... they wanted to live here... learn to speak the language. (and since when did it become our job to teach them English?? If I move there, will there be a federal program to teach me Spanish?)

And lastly... Foxx needs to get the hell out of the US and go home. He needs to take all of his illegals with him. If he wants to remain then I think he should be escorted by 10 armed troops (or more) and made to go only where we tell him to go, not where he wants to go.

Basically, my philosiphy on the whole thing is this. Abide by our laws, or GO HOME.