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Lamar Alexander threatens to wake up
But remains stupid and ignorant

I read the headline over the New York Sun article included in the Center for Immigration Studies' daily news distribution email: "Senator Views French Riots as Immigration Wake-Up Call."

No, I thought to myself, not a U.S. Senator!

Imagine! A member of the U.S. Senate—as if completely on his own—recognizing the obvious and identifying immigration as the root of the immigration problem in France

Was there hope for our civilization after all? I began reading eagerly.

"American policymakers need to deal squarely with immigration problems in this country," said Senator Alexander.

—Yes, good, I thought.

"We should learn a lesson from our friends across the ocean," the Republican senator said during a speech on the Senate floor.

—Yes, of course. Finally.

'We would be wise to consider their quandary."

—Yes. Yes. Quandry. Exactly.

The violence that rocked Paris in October and November was prompted by inadequate planning for the challenges posed by large urban concentrations of under-employed immigrants and their families.

—Inadequate pla— Oh, [ sigh ] you stupid, stupid, stupid man.

What is it about the north side of Capitol Hill? What's wrong with the Senate? Why are so many senators such blockheads? It's as if when the New York Times taught us "we are the world," and set us all to chanting "diversity is our strength," in the Senate they thought they said "perversity is our strength," and it's been nothing but cock-eyed lunacy ever since.

The senator goes on to propose a policy exactly opposed to what a policy learned from the example of our friends, the French, would dictate: Lamar Alexander "favors securing America's borders and awarding a 'lawful status' to foreigners who are working in this country. 'They need a legal status that respects our rule of law.'"

They need an amnesty that respects our rule of law.

There is no way to describe that but mental derangement.

Lamar Alexander: 202 224 4944