Give illegal immigrants better jobs at home
Originally posted on January 19, 2008

The illegal immigration problem, according to the various presidential candidates, seems to have no practical solution. The illegals (mostly from Mexico) come across the border by the millions looking for work to support their families left back home.

Willing to work for less than minimum wage, they send half of their paycheck to their loved ones. Others bring their wives and children with them so they can be educated and receive medical treatment at the expense of the American taxpayer.

In the meantime, we buy billions of dollars worth of merchandise from China, India and other Asian countries — merchandise which is inferior in quality and dangerous to use and often made by child labor. When you add the cost of recalls, shipping and supporting illegals, wouldn’t it be just as cheap to build plants in Mexico so that immigrants can stay home and make a living wage there?

Having a prosperous neighbor to the south instead of a third-world economy would benefit everyone. No need to build fences except to keep out drug dealers. In addition to Congress, I urge companies like Wal-Mart who would benefit from switching production back to this hemisphere to help get the ball rolling.
