This Gomer quote came from one of his acolytes who posts on ALIPAC:

You sent us a link to an article [Tancredo] posted regarding my record. In that article he said I denounced Senate Bill 206 which "would have required proof of citizenship to register to vote and would have required state agencies to report suspected cases of people living in the country illegally." This is true, but I would have gladly supported a different Bill with the same requirements listed above. The reason I opposed Bill 206, and called it "un-Christian" is because it prohibited emergency rooms from performing life-saving medical procedures if a patient could not prove their legal status. I think it is abhorrent to let anyone, regardless of legal status, die on the steps of an American hospital because the doctors would face prosecution for treating someone if they were here illegally. If Tancredo thinks that sounds just, I don't think any sane American would want him as President.

Emphasis mine. In reality, Senate Bill 206 was all about making sure that only U.S. citizens were allowed to vote and only U.S. citizens and legal immigrants were allowed to receive public benefits in Arkansas. The bill didn't say anything about denying emergency medical services to illegal aliens. As we all know, the federal government's Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act of 1985 (EMTALA) "imposes viciously stiff fines and penalties up to $50,000 for each incident upon any physician and any hospital refusing to treat any patient that a vigorous prosecutor deems an emergency patient". Consequently, the Arkansas state legislators who crafted Senate Bill 206 would have been crazy to include a clause forcing physicians and hospitals to deny emergency care for illegal aliens because it would have caused Arkansas physicians and hospitals to get stiff fines and penalties if/when said physicians and hospitals denied emergency care to illegal aliens.

Nice try, Gomer. Nice try. ... /SB206.pdf

(Edited to add link for Gomer quote and to correct grammar and spelling errors)