Playing the Race Card

Racism is used as an excuse to justify misdeeds. I was recently accused of being a racist, when I stood behind a neighborhood improvement law. Several years ago, my neighbor built an unapproved carport, on his property. Over a year ago, a city wide campaign was launched, to get these illegal carports up to code or removed. Mailers were sent out in our water bills for months. In the interim period, my neighbor was offered a grace period, to file a permit and to bring it up to code. He chose to ignore the request to comply. Now the city is telling him to take it down because it does not meet code requirements so he is fighting it and spending money to get a special exception. I stood up before the board of adjustments and said the structure was not common in our neighborhood and should be removed.

Now, I'm a racist. So be it. Webster’s definition of racist, does not state that racism is likely to occur by convenience, of an offended person. I’m saying to everyone playing the race card, you need to improve your vocabulary so you can accurately express your displeasure. It’s easy to blame me because of my color, instead of admitting to your misdeeds and accepting the fact that you are not going to get your way.

Actually, use of the race card is quite immature and ignorant. Often it is used as a last ditch effort, to justify your weak position and to verbally assault your opponent.

Take it from me, that doesn't stop him, it makes him angry.

Stop and think, the next time you call someone a racist that you may actually be creating one.

by The Complaining Texan

Remember, the next time someone calls you a racist, it just confirms that you are right, smarter than they are and that you’re really arguing with a halfwit.