If I'm not mistaken, most of the people in the House who support Tom Tancredo's anti-illegal immigration group are still around. So, that's great news! And, of these new Dems, how many of them support amnesty? Do we really know for sure? Maybe some of the Republicans who lost were against us anyway, and we've always talked about voting out people who were pro-Amnesty, so that's a good thing. Lincoln Chafee lost. Wasn't he one of the bad ones?

Don't worry, everything will be okay. The best thing we can do is continue the grassroots activism, trying to change things at the local level. And, instilling a sense of responsibility and work ethic in our young people. As I said before, partnering local businesses with schools in order to get those businesses to hire local students, versus illegals. I think that we could do a great job in our local communities doing that sort of thing. Maybe a slight change of focus would be good.

Illegal immigration is an important issue to the American voter, but it's not the same caliber of issue as health care, the economy, or Iraq (for the majority of Americans.) What happened yesterday really isn't suprising. In a poll, 80% or more of the voters want the border secured, but in another poll, 50% want a guest worker program, so the public doesn't always have a solid command on this issue (unless they've educated themselves on it, or live in a border state.) So, we've done our best, but there's still work to be done, and like I said, keep up the local activism and getting the youth involved. Put our kids into jobs in the local community. Those are our best chances for victory.

Ostrich for President 2008 (no, just joking)