If anybody is interested in finding out about the moral character, the intelligence, the wisdom, and the judgment of good ole Senator Teddy Kennedy, I suggest you do a Google word-search on "Chappaquiddick." Particularly amusing is the transcripts of Kennedy's televised account of the accident; the only "explanation" Kennedy has thus offered to the public. His explanation being, basically, "I was in a state of shock. I have no explanation to explain my actions on that night." Which is funny (ha ha), because according to polls, about 80% of Americans who are familiar with the case have no trouble at all coming up with an OBVIOUS explanation for Senator Teddy Kennedy's behavior on that night: Teddy Kennedy drunk-drove his car off a bridge, and then left a woman trapped inside to DIE while he rushed off to concoct an alibi. And then, this gutless coward used his political connections to avoid having to stand before a judge and jury, like the rest of us American citizens would have had to do. Consider the crimes Teddy Kennedy is guilty of in the court of karma: Drunk-driving. Vehicle manslaughter. Leaving the scene of a crime. Etc. And worst of all: Leaving a young woman -- who HE was responsible for dumping in the drink -- trapped in his car, fighting for her life, left there to die. Because good ole Teddy Kennedy was ONLY concerned with saving his OWN ass; with rushing off to concoct an alibi and confer with his many advicers and lawyers. This is the kind of man he is, ladies and gentleman. Senator Teddy Kennedy. And this is his bill. The Kennedy-McCain Amnesty-for-Illegals Bill. And they are cut from the exact same cloth.
Stop Teddy Kennedy from doing to America what he's already done to Mary Jo Kopechne!