Granny Warriors state that they have permits in hand for a rally on the West Lawn of the White House, morning of April 15.

The message below describes Texans' impotence in stopping the Trans-Texas Corridor through normal channels. If Austin were Baghdad, one would expect to see other means of protest, for instance, Fourth Generation Warfare [see writings of military analyst William Lind], which is characterized by sudden explosions.

Republican Governor Perry and the legislature are determined to continue with this link in the North American Union, designed to drown US sovereignty in a Mexico, Canada, and US regional unit. The projected toll-highway will be operated by a Spanish company that employs Rudy Guiliani's law firm.

This 12-lane Corridor through Texas to Canada is the GWB project, a.k.a. the Security and Prosperity Partnership, first hatched in the Council of Foreign Relations. The coming primary and general elections may stop the project by ousting incumbents who support it. But if the electoral process is as corrupted as some suspect, citizens may come to feel themselves unable to influence policy.

Granny News
Our last visit in Texas back in Lake Jackson for the TTC ( Trans Texas Corridor) meeting shows us that this is a farce. The State of Texas is bound and determined to build this highway and Gov. Perry is pushing it as hard as he can. This is so sad for all the people who take their time and energy to tell the State they do not want this but you can see the writing on the wall. Perry will have his Toll Road and ceed the profits to foreign corporations who in turn are surely filling his pockets with cold hard cash. We were in Wharton the night before at another TTC meeting and listened to the heartbreaking stories from the people who are being displaced by this monster. It is heartbreaking to see their faces and hear their voices addressing this subject.
It is time for this country to stand up and take back our voices. The Government will not be allowed to steamroll over us any longer. Vote out the incumbents. Vote in people who have the countries best interest at heart. It is either that or sooner or later a shot will again be heard around the world and probably from Texas. Thank Goodness Oklahoma has rejected this NAFTA Highway from going through their state which means Texas has to find another route which it is doing now with the TTC.
The time has come to stand up and get off your duffs and lets take back our country. There is power in masses of people. Government is scared of the people. We can shut them down if we stick together and they know this. Many are swayed by the shifting rethoric from the politicians as it is the easy way out. Many of us are not and will not sit back and let the Executive Powers ruin our way of life anymore than it has already.
Taking back our Freedoms Protest
APRIL 15th,2008
11 AM on the west lawn of the Whitehouse
http://grannywarrior.chipin.com/haulin- ... onstration

We have the permits in hand,