I'm starting to think we are looking at this all wrong.

badthingsman said the following and I started to agree but I realize something.
We can do our part in helping them by not exploiting them and not offering them a temporary escape from their crippled economy. http://www.alipac.us/ftopicp-151821.html#151821
The, economical conditions in Mexico are better than they have been in years. In fact, as long as I can remember. Realize, it is the 12th wealthiest country in the World.

I don't know if I can blame Mexico's economy any more for the flood of illegals because of the great improvements to it's economic strengh.

I'm thinking, the current illeglas were living in Mexico, when the Peso's value was around 200 to a Dollar, now the value is about 11 to a Dollar. They should want to stay because their economy has gotten much-much better. They can survive living in Mexico, with the current improving economy. So what is the excuse for them still flooding over our borders, in increasing numbers?

In essence, they are coming here to become wealthy or have an above average standard of living in Mexico. Many will brag about what they have in Mexico. Think about it. If you could get $11 for every one you earned how much better off would you be? Your $10 just became $110 It's like working one year and earnig the salary of 11 years of work. It's messed up. They are highly motivated by money to break our laws. Even at minimun wage, they are earning about $55 Pesos an hour. Are they looking at an older generation that has benefited from illegal work in America? Is it learned behavior?

Ask an American that has recently visited Mexico and about how "cheap" everything is. How much buying power the Dollar has.

They have been saying, we just want a job. In contrast, they don't want to be American citizens. Actions speak louder than words. I find conflict in their actions and words and I ask why? I'm starting to think greed is the real motivation for them coming to America, not survival and taking care of their children. I really feel exploited because they send so much money back to Mexico. They want an estate in Mexico bought and paid for by American Dollars.

We have got to force this issue.

This invasion is like a rush, to a going out of business sale and every thing is a buck.

Can anyone find fault in this logic?


I'm on the sleepy side and I may have butchered this entire thought.