EVERYONE--Open this document McCain Kennedy and go to Page 88, Line 22, (5) which states:

"(5) OTHER WORKERS - Visas shall be made available in a number not to exceed 30% of such world-wide level PLUS any visa number not required for the classes specified in paragraph (1) through (4), to qualified immigrants, who are capable, at the time of petitioning for classifications under this paragraph of performing unskilled labor that is NOT of a temporary or seasonal nature, for which qualified workers are determined to be unavailable in the United States or to immigrants under section 101 a) (19) (H) (V) (a)."

I need some help by trying to figure how HOW MANY workers this amounts to.

Also please go to page 81, Line 1 and read the statement about Congress feels the need to "accelerate the Partnership for Prosperity" to improve the economic condition of Mexico. Gee....I thought they represented USA. Also, note the change in the term, Security Prosperity Partnership which is the open borders and consolidation with Canada and Mexico in my article topic "Hemispheria Conference 2005" White House Press Release and the announcements about this "unveiling" of the plan this year. Please note that the term "SECURITY" has been dropped by McCain and Kennedy when referring to the Partnershp with Canada and Mexico.

We kinda knew, didn't we that it wasn't about's about Globalism.

Under the OTHER WORKERS SECTION, it appears to me that 30% of the world-wide level of unskilled permanent workers can enter the United States on a Welcome Mat. I think that is the ALIEN FLOOD, that we have heretofor predicted....reducing the USA to a Third World County.

Obviously, the ELITES all plan to live in Mexico.

Also, note that Minors defined by the McCain Kennedy Bill is 21 years old for aliens. So grown men and women will be treated as "children and minors" under the McCain Kennedy Act.

Also, note on page 100 - line 19 - Education. If aliens are in colleges and universities full-time, then this being in school will qualify as employment authorizing them to apply for nonimmigrant, legal status. This is the spear behind the In-State Tuition Bills to get more into college so more can stay.

Also, there are confidentiality clauses so that NO ONE will know or have access to any of the information provided by aliens to our government. Therefore, no checks and balances on who, when, where or how they came by their legal will be completely in the hands of the "agencies".

Millions of people, non-workers, workers, students, 21 and under persons, spouses, immediate family, even those scheduled for removal and deportation can stay with this act which CANCELS the deportation orders, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.

This bill is the FLOOD they've been working towards all these years.

It is horrendous and MUST BE EXPOSED AND DEFEATED!!

I'll build the BON FIRE to BURN IT when the Congress wakes up and listens to the American People to save our Nation, our Constitution, our Borders, our Economy, our Labor, our Civil Rights and the Future of America.

Please read what you have time to read in this document and post interesting and other alarming clauses.

Oh....BTW, it also provides amnesty to existing illegal employers....100%....who have broken American law all these years. So, in America, CRIME PAYS!!