A Growing Threat Â*
Police Vs The People
By Ted Lang

By now, most discriminating news junkies who seek and obtain real news via the Internet, news based on facts and truth, have seen and reviewed repeatedly the incident at the University of Florida involving journalism student Andrew Meyers and the campus cops. Of special note was the tiny little girl dressed up in a policeman's uniform enjoying her fabulous opportunity to torture the enemy: a young, white American male simply trying to voice his opinion. It appears that the little girl is the one who began torturing the male student and was thrilled by his screams of pain.

As a cacophony of protest grows over this clear and obvious demonstration of police brutality, it has, however, taken on the same kind of emotional, mindless reaction on the part of those Americans witnessing this now-sanctioned torture of an unarmed, helpless individual, helpless after having been totally subdued by five or six nasty uniformed meatballs best described as un-American, uniformed fascist goons. They were piling on once they had their victim pinned to the floor and justified using taser torture to "control" the "poip" as these mindless meatballs would probably offer.

The mindless reaction becomes such when instead of differentiating right from wrong, or justice from licensed force, many observers of this incident will assign political instead of moral interpretation as concerns both the justification for the disturbance as well as the overreaction by the uniformed goons.

If one denotes a quality of anger in my rant, it's because I am angry that yet another incident of police brutality has occurred in front of a crowd of peaceful citizens seeking only to be left alone by sub-cretiniod, mindless, mental midgets and little girls dressed up as police relishing their authority and license to terrorize and threaten peaceful citizens.

Only a few weeks earlier, I experienced the agonizing mental anguish viewing a video of a human being suffering torture, also by stomping, kicks to the groin, knees in the kidneys, and of course, electric tasering by yet another slightly built female make-believe cop. A black man in custody in a Mississippi jail suffered the same fate as Meyers, but because only a video camera was present, a device whose evidence was under the control of the "authorities," the prison staff had a blast stomping, torturing and fatally maiming their victim. He was arrested for a misdemeanor, probably some lively celebration after the Superbowl a couple years back. Kinda reminds me of the Boston killer cop who shot a college girl in the eye with a teargas exploding ball for celebrating the Boston Red Sox victory in the World Series a while back.

It appears that tasers are the favorite torture weapon of uniformed male impersonators because they lack both the size and the strength of adult males. The Mississippi torture-murder of Jesse Lee Williams, Jr., 40, by more than a half dozen "law enforcement" sheriff's deputies, was indeed a horror show. An in-house quick frame-by-frame camera showed the uniformed Nazi goons "restraining" Williams in precisely the same manner as was the case with Meyers with the UF campus cops. In both cases, the victim of the "police" was already restrained by handcuffs, ropes and other devices. In the UF case, the little girl cop actually unholstered and drew her military style 9 mm or .40 caliber semi-automatic handgun as shown on the You Tube video. Myers is lucky the little girl didn't shoot him in the head for resisting.

It should be increasingly clear that police brutality in America is reaching crisis proportions. And for some reason, politicians and citizens are doing absolutely nothing about it. We must honor the police Â* they perform a tough job! Yeah, and massacring over one million Iraqis is "hard work!"

As stated, anyone watching the UF-Meyers incident cannot deny that it culminated in a demonstration of police brutality, but those websites of the alternate media that aired the video generally left little room for honest interpretation. In the first place, the university is a bastion of higher learning; free and open discussion and inquiry are supposed to be accessible, especially to the members of the student body. Restraining one's right to speak is not only in violation of the First Amendment, but it is morally and educationally wrong in such an institution.

It is every bit as wrong as Jewish gangster Abraham Foxman and his ADL [Anti-American Defamation League] from silencing Jewish Professor Tony Judt and Professors Mearsheimer and Walt from debating their views in public and campuses of higher learning concerning domination and control of American government by Israel and its powerful lobby. But free and open debate is just that Â* it should be an opportunity for the free and open discussion by all who wish to speak and to be heard.

The problem with Andrew Meyers' approach is that his very demeanor precluded precisely the intent of the Kerry presence. Meyer was given more than an opportunity to pose his question or questions. Let us just suppose that Meyers had asked one question of Kerry, and that Kerry responded. Perhaps Meyers would have followed up with yet another question. And perhaps Kerry would have responded again. But let's face it realistically: what would have happened if Meyers attempted yet a third question? Would it have been obvious that Meyers was hogging the microphone? Would it be clear that he was doing just the opposite of allowing free and open debate? When was someone else to get a chance to question Kerry who was probably speaking under a time constraint?

Meyers' deliberate and prepared rant [book in hand] prevented free and open discussion. He was indeed creating a disturbance. He was asked to stop, at least twice. When he ignored a rightful order by police to stop shouting and leave the premises, he fought off police and ran forward to the stage. And on that stage was a public figure, a figure that could potentially be assassinated for his prominence in American politics, the latter an increasingly volatile undertaking. Meyers shoved them away raised his arms, and did indeed resist. Period, but not end of discussion.

Campus police had him down. Why were they torturing him? Why didn't they just continue dragging him kicking and screaming out of the auditorium? This was clearly a demonstration of police brutality; yet, there is something not completely right here. Considering police brutality in America is rising sharply, why would an individual deliberately set them off? Why would Meyers fail to "psych out" the half-pint female cop with the big military pistol strapped to her tiny torso? Are we expected to believe that this 21-year-old college man couldn't figure out that these fascist goons would just love to act out their police state fantasies? Nonsense!

In retrospect, it would appear this entire incident was staged. Meyers was deliberately goading the campus cops; the video clearly shows this. But the demonstration of police brutality is nevertheless very disturbing. As we consider this incident, more and more incidents of police brutality are migrating from the pages of the remote sites of the alternate media and making their way to the forefront of heavily trafficked websites. That is not a good thing. The increasing incidents of taser deaths demands that police be disarmed of these weapons, and that officers be removed from law enforcement and be prosecuted for the use of torture after suspects have been restrained in the normal acceptable fashion.

The official response in this case will be the usual time worn two pronged standard response: either they were following "accepted" standard procedures, or the officers involved need more comprehensive training. Both explanations are no longer acceptable, especially against the backdrop of the USA PATRIOT Act and the Military Commissions Act.

© THEODORE E. LANG 9/19/07 All rights reserved