We're all intelligent people here. I doubt if our politicians are any smarter. Besides voting on issues they're busy with special interests, family, finance, and so forth. I bet most don't have the patience to read through the legalese of the many bills awaiting their signature.

For instance, H.R.4437 is very complex. You can view it here in four different versions, and if you go into the details, it will make your brain swim. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c109:H.R.4437:

For this legislation to pass these minute points have to be "translated" out of gobbledygook into regular English. I don't believe the senators actually READ this stuff. I think they rely on others to "explain" the salient points.

Who are these "others"? That's where the true power lies. The ones who "spin" the translation of these bills into something the senators understand. If the senators work with the wrong advisors they end up making the wrong decisions. All the more reason WE NEED TO write to them and tell them what is what. They are too busy to really KNOW what is in H.R.4437: And the more complex our legal papers become the more nothing gets done. It's becoming insane.

If the Constitution were to be written today it would require 100 thick volumes instead of only four pages. In fact they'd still be arguing the wording of the first paragraph.