
Hate Speech?

Dear Editor:

How dare you or anyone else accuse Americans of "hate speech."

It is not hate speech to tell anyone that you are breaking our laws by crossing our borders illegally. It is not hate speech to tell anyone that ONLY American citizens, either by birth or by LEGAL entry have constitutional rights. Other basic human rights such as humane treatment do apply. It is not hate speech to tell anyone that since you do not wear an "I'm a good guy" sign we are going to ask you some questions that will "profile" you. It is not hate speech to tell religious factions that we don't want you killing anyone, much less Americans.

Congress can find the money to take care of tens of millions of illegal aliens but doesn't want to provide for our soldiers in combat zones.

Hate speech?

Congress wanted to invite tens of millions of illegal aliens to start receiving Social Security benefits while telling us that Social Security, which millions of Americans rely for their very survival, will be broke in just a few short years.

Hate speech?

We allow the bleeding hearts say that our hospitals must give health care to illegal aliens for FREE while millions of Americans cannot afford health insurance.

Hate speech?

Illegal aliens, as a group, commit more murders, more rapes, more child molestations, more hit and runs, more drunk driving, more document fraud and more drug smuggling than any other group. Yet, Congress thinks it is a great idea to grant amnesty to tens of millions of illegal aliens in 24 hours, but can't process a half million passports for Americans in 6 months.

Hate speech?

Third world countries have problems with Tuberculosis, Bubonic plague, outbreaks of e.coli and even Leprosy so we American's are guilty of hate speech for not wanting amnesty for tens of millions of possible disease carrying illegals.

Hate speech?

Wake up while there is still an America that will draw LEGAL immigrants.


