I have contacted many like minded national anti-illegal organizations requesting the start of a "WE PLEDGE" campaign to inform the congress and senate leaders that "WE PLEDGE TO VOTE AGAINST ANY POLITICIAN WHO VOTES IN FAVOR OF AMNESTY ".

The illegals and their supporters now chant "Sí, Se Puede!" (yes we can)

Our chant can be "WE PLEDGE"!

I am hoping that this will catch on and we will have our very own American version of May day to protest our lack of representation in Washington by our elected representatives.

We can Pledge by fax. phone and email to every representative in Washington who is pro amnesty to let them know in a unified voice that they are on the way out. We don't need time off from meat packing or dishwashing or weed pulling. WE ARE THE AMERICAN VOTER.

Any thoughts on this?

Good Idea?
Bad idea?

Have a great day all !