Why grant any amnesty to illegal aliens?
March 20, 5:05 PMBay Area Moderate Conservative Examiner Dwight L. Schwab Jr.


President Obama has announced plans to concentrate on immigration reform after the health care reform fiasco. While there are elements within this country advocating various degrees of amnesty, consider the following laws for violating sovereign borders around the world. Remember, the operative word is ILLEGAL:

- If you cross the North Korean border ILLEGALLY, you get 12 years hard labor.

- If you cross the Iranian border (see hikers last July) ILLEGALLY, you get detained indefinitely.

- If you cross the Afghan border ILLEGALLY, you get shot.

- If you cross the Saudi Arabian border ILLEGALLY, you will be jailed.

This is only a sample of the punishment lawbreakers, or more politely, “uninvited foreignersâ€