I just got an automated phone call for my 5-year-old son. He was seen at the Hazleton General Hospital back in early spring (March?) for an asthma attack. After waiting 2 hours, he was given a 3-minute breathing treatment and sent home.

The call I got said for my son to call these clowns PENN CREDIT back. So I called. I got this ignorant wench on the line, explained that a call had come in. After pulling up the phone number she said my son's name. I told her he's a five-yr-old boy. She asked if I'm his mother, and I said yes. She then called me by my former married name. LOL I gave the hospital all the correct information when we were there, plus I've been remarried for a year and a half.

Anyway, I told her that if they can't even get our names right, then the bill was likely incorrect as well, and that if the hospital cannot properly bill the insurance company, then it's their problem. The wench yells "no it's your son's problem!"

I laughed and said it would only stay on his credit for 7 years and it would be gone by the time he was 12. Then I told her that we're illegal aliens from mexico and to just bill the American taxpayers. She started screaming and I hung up on her.

It's pretty nuts when the hospital is going crazy trying to make us pay a bill that would be covered by the insurance if they would just send the statement to the insurance company. And they're harassing a 5-year-old boy to boot. It's filthy.