I thought I would pass this message along hoping some of you may be able to give them a hand.


..to the many Maryland Minuteman Civil Defense Corps members who came
out to Monday's presentation by Immigration & Customs Enforcement
Senior Special Agent Joe Beahn of the Baltimore SAC Office. It was a
standing-room-only crowd, with over 65 people in attendance. Kudos
to Brad Botwin, Director of Help Save Maryland, who organized this
extremely successful and informative event!

Before agent Beahn spoke, HSM leaders Brad and Chuck Floyd brought
the crowd up to date on the ongoing battle to get Montgomery County
to honor HSM's Freedom of Information requests for details on funding
and operations at the CASA de Maryland-operated day laborer centers.
The national organization Judicial Watch is now helping with expert
legal advice. Stay tuned!

Agent Beahn's presentation was far too lengthy and information-packed
to summarize here. But he did leave us with several important points
about how citizens like you can serve as ICE's eyes and ears.

1) ICE gives very high priority to deporting criminal aliens (legal &
illegal) who have committed "aggrevated felonies" like murder, rape,
sex abuse of a minor, drug dealing, prostitution and the like.

2) ICE also places high priority on catching employers who
are "knowingly" hiring illegal aliens. This means not just hiring
someone who is illegal, but helping illegals get around US
immigration laws. (paying in cash, providing a place to live,
providing phony id, etc.)

3) ICE cannot put a high priority on rounding up individual, non-
criminal, illegal aliens, because of limited resources. But if ICE
has specific, credible information about any individual (name,
description, whereabouts) who is here illegally, they will make an
effort to pick that person up.

4) ICE does not enforce zoning laws. If there are 23 people living
in a single-family house, contact local authorities.

5) ICE has a toll-free hotline that operates 24/7: 1-866-DHS-2-ICE (1-
866-347-2423). Because of issues involving confidentiality, security
and resources, they cannot tell you whether your tip was ultimately
useful or not.

Here's what YOU can do to help ICE enforce the law:

1) If you have specific information about the wherabouts of criminal
aliens (legal or illegal), call ICE's hotline immediately.

2) If you have any suspicions about serious crimes being committed by
aliens (legal or illegal), like child pornography, prostitution, drug
or weapons trafficking, money laundering, gangs, etc., call ICE's
hotline. They have intelligence experts who analyze your tips and
look for patterns.

3) If you have specific, credible information about employers who you
know are knowingly hiring illegal aliens, call the ICE hotline.
(Don't call because you think the employees "look" illegal. You must
have hard facts to be helpful.)

4) If you suspect an employer is hiring illegal aliens but don't have
hard facts, you can send your suspicions to the MMCDC tipline:


MMCDC volunteers will investigate further to see if we can dig up
hard facts before contacting ICE. MMCDC has been developing direct
relationships with ICE agents here in Maryland.

FINALLY, MMCDC is coordinating with over a dozen anti-illegal
immigration groups in Maryland, DC and Virginia to develop a more
unified response to the problem in 2008. We need more volunteers!
Get your friends and neighbors to join MMCDC or whatever other local
group they feel most comfortable joining. Get more active yourself.
The problem of illegal immigration did not happen overnight, and it
will not be fixed overnight. We have many powerful foes. We need
every patriot we can muster.

"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for
your country."
