OFIR members and supporters:

Oregon Congressman David Wu just announced that he has introduced a bill in Congress, (H.R. 266, that would hire 100,000 teachers in grades 1 through 3 to help school districts reduce class size.

As you might expect his bill has been endorsed by the National Education Association. (NEA).

Currently 96% of the increase in enrollment in public schools in America is the result of immigration. (Legal and illegal). Put another way, absent immigration, school enrollment could be stabilized and public schools could concentrate on improving the quality of education instead of struggling to provide enough teachers and classrooms for all the children that Latin America countries are sending to us.

We urge you to call Congressman Wu’s offices in Washington DC and in Portland, and ask him to consider introducing a bill that would reduce immigration in order to reduce class size. This would be a better alternative than spending federal tax dollars in a vain attempt to keep pace with the ever increasing enrollment of students caused by our open border policies.

Representative Wu Washington DC office (202) 225-0855
Portland office. (800) 422-4003 and (503) 326-2901

he will ask for your address - just say I would prefer not to and give him a zip code 97225 97223 97224 97219 are all good