My response to

Sorry, I will never vote for John McCain and plan to leave the republican party as a result of his nomination. Rather my family and I will change our registration to Democrat and work for the Clinton campaign. Our hope is the real republicans in Congress will vote against most of Clinton's proposals. Whereas McCain, also a liberal, will have the democrat congress on his side along with republicans to get his liberal agenda passed.

My Friends,

I am writing to you because today, we must begin to unite as party and prepare for the upcoming election in November. If I am so fortunate as to be the Republican nominee for president, I will stand on my conservative convictions and offer Americans a clearly conservative approach to governing. But my friends, I cannot succeed in this endeavor without the support of dedicated conservatives like you. And today, I write to ask for your support.

Will you join my campaign today by making a generous contribution? We will have a hard-fought battle against either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, and I know that by joining together, our party will prevail on Election Day.

In just a few short days, Senators Clinton and Obama have raised nearly $10 million online for their respective campaigns. I know that I must take the time now to replenish my campaign's funds to prepare for what will undoubtedly be the most expensive campaign for president in our history. That is why I ask you to make an urgent contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or more today.

This election is going to be about big things, not small things. And I intend to fight as hard as I can to ensure that our shared conservative principles prevail.

Senators Clinton and Obama want to increase the size of the federal government, raise your taxes, and withdraw our forces from Iraq based on an arbitrary timetable designed for political expediency. I intend to reduce the size of the federal government, cut your taxes and win this war. I have had the distinct honor of serving our great country for many decades and with your support, I will be able to serve her for a little while longer.

I am proud to have come to public office as a foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution. My friends, twenty-five years later, I am still proud to be a conservative and it is my greatest hope that you will join me in this campaign today. Thank you.


John McCain