I was watching some of Hillary campaigning last night on C-Span.
She was in Clifornia but I don't know if it was yesterday or the day before.

As you know how hawkish Hillary is with words, she pulled a whammy out on the Californians during her little chalk board talk. I guess since alot of the people there don't seem to know english, they didn't catch it, they just go nuts at anything she says.

What she said was pertaining to the war.
She said
"As soon as I get into office I will begin to make a plan to get us out of Iraq in 60 days."
Ok, is she going to begin to make a plan in 60 days or are the troops coming home in 60 days? The way it sounded was sorta implying that she would start bringing the toops home in 60 days.

It seems to leave alot of room for skew and manipulation to what it might mean now, or later? Did you guys catch that?
Manipulate the words, manipulate the minds. More blather.