I'm promoting the Limerick because they are catchy ways to spread our message. I encourage everyone to write one. The best ones we can take from here and share via e-mail or word-of-mouth. They will stick in someone's head.

For instance, I heard this one years and years ago but I can still recall it.
Actually, it's fitting considering the current events.

There once was a Senator from Mass
Who wanted a new piece of A
First he found one
Then he drowned one
Now it's just a thing of the past.
(Many variations of this out there now)

The limerick packs laughs anatomical
Into space that is quite economical.
But the good ones I've seen
So seldom are clean
And the clean ones so seldom are comical.
-- Vyvyan Holland

Here is my attempt. I encourage everyone to submit one.

There's a man in DC named Bush
Guest workers he would push
The people said no!
They must go!
And they threw him out on his tush!

This might help some of you out that struggle with rhymes.
I just googled rhyme dictionary and found this and there are others on the net you make like better or are easier to use.
