This is an example of the flyer that is handed out at all Minutemen rallies to people stopping to pick up day labors. Print it on yellow paper for better impact.

Employers of Illegal Aliens

Hiring Illegal Aliens is a Federal Crime! - Sec. 8 USC 1324(a) (1)(A)(iv)(b)(iii). Punishable by $10,000 Fine!
Hire legal workers only. DO NOT pick up workers from day labor sites. The majority of the workers are in this country illegally. Hire workers from authorized employment agencies. Verify status of I-9 forms by calling the free SAVE system at 888-464-4218.
This day labor site is now under constant observation by citizen volunteers assisting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Businesses and citizens that violate hiring laws will be photographed and reported to ICE, the IRS, and the Social Security Administration. In addition, your company or personal information may be reported and listed on the following web sites:
Hire the legal labor available for free posting on the website
One Day and Full Time Jobs
Jobs for Current and Former Military

Or CALL Labor Ready @ 1-800-245-2267