Dr. Ada M. Fisher Speaks Out on Illegal Immigration

Dr. Ada M. Fisher, Republican Party candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in the 12th Congressional District of North Carolina has become the first Congressional candidate in North Carolina to give her written pledge to her constituents that she will never vote for any amnesty for illegal-aliens and that she will vote to properly fund and enforce our immigration laws. Dr. Fisher did so by signing the America First Contract. The America First Contract is a pledge that is being offered to every candidate in every House and Senate race in every State and District in America.

According to Alamo Alliance, a grass-roots organization that initiated the America First Contract, voters on both sides of this issue deserve to know exactly where the candidates they are voting for stand on the issue of illegal immigration. Alamo Alliance President, Paul Goedinghaus, puts it this way; “Americans need to be given a clear choice in November. There is no middle ground on this issue. The legislature has drawn the lines and they will either enact an amnesty or they will vote to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws. Voters deserve to know exactly where candidates stand on this issue with no equivocation or doubletalk. That is the reason for the America First Contract.”

The America First Contract states that the candidate pledges:

• During my term in office, I will vote against any legislation that weakens our current immigration laws in any respect or allows for increased immigration, increased guest workers or any form of amnesty. Amnesty shall be defined as any law that allows people who are in this country illegally to do anything other than leave the United States.

• Within the first 30 days of my term in office, I will co-sponsor and vote for legislation to adequately fund enforcement of our existing immigration laws.

• Within the first 60 days of my term in office, I will co-sponsor and vote for legislation to build a security fence along the entire southern border of the United States, with the exception of areas where it would be impossible to build such a fence. In areas where a fence is not feasible, I will vote for other security measures as deemed adequate to secure those areas. I will also vote to appropriate any and all funds necessary to accomplish this.

• Within the first 90 days of my term in office, I will co-sponsor and vote for legislation to properly define the 14th Amendment to apply only to the children of people who are legal residents of the United States. Said legislation will specifically state that the intent of the 14th amendment was NEVER to have applied to the children of people who were in this country illegally and is therefore retroactive.

• Within the first 90 days of my term in office, I will co-sponsor and vote for legislation to deny any and all government benefits to people who are in this country illegally and to provide tort reform so that hospital emergency rooms can turn away non-emergency cases without facing lawsuits for doing so and to provide that no liability, criminal or civil, attaches to any emergency facility for refusing to treat non-emergency cases.

• Within my first 120 days in office, I will co-sponsor and vote for legislation requiring valid proof of citizenship of any and all persons registering to vote and proof of citizenship in order to vote in our elections.. Said legislation shall provide that any U.S. citizen who cannot afford it shall bear no cost for providing said proof of citizenship.

This agreement shall take into consideration that proposed legislation may or may not come up for a vote and the undersigned candidate bears no responsibility if above legislation does not come up for a vote.