Reciently I got involved in the issues and debates on the illegals here. I responded to MSNBC townhall and it got forwarded to HISPANIC NEWS. Well over the past few weeks I have voiced the firm stance that first of all the latino community and Hispanic News needs to realize the fact that illegal is illegal and that illegals (undocumented) are criminals. That the Feds, ICE, and states need to join together in ways like the biometric data base and in coordinates sweeps of schools, day labor sites and malls to clear out illegals. I also called for the end to ALL medical care to any undocumented (illegal) who tries to get medical attention. I just received a WARNING that the posts were not contributing to their dialogue. Meaning their agenda and creating hope that illegals will gain amnisty. I urge anyone that is will to do so to post on their articles. Its about time they face the fact that AMERICANS are against any form of amnisty, against the DREAM Act in any form, and we are in favor of a strong secure border and a united Law Enforcement action to prosecute ALL illegals within our borders.