Just wanted to say that I notice a palpable tension these days. Not from Hispanics in general, but more so from Mexicans. I live in a mostly Mexican neighborhood and I can see it. Please don't give me the "How do you know they're Mexican" speech. I know..I live here. Most are MEXICAN.

The other day, a dude drove by in a car and just flipped me off while I was sitting there. I just looked at him with this confused look, I didn't get it. He then looked like he was going to turn around and come back. So I sat and waited for him, he never came.

Overall, there is this feeling like Mexicans and some of the other sub groups of "Hispanics" really don't like any other "ethnicity" right now, especially whites. There's this weird silent treatment going on, along with a hint of refusing to do business with an "ignoring" sort of deal.

Nobody has done anything to me other than that one incident yesterday. I think mainly because I don't look like the type of guy you would want to go there with, which maybe keeps me safe in some way.

But it's in the background and I can feel it.

I'll be straight with you guys from what I observe here in the thick of it.

Whites are tense right now. they feel betrayed and talk a bout it frequently. The loss of jobs and current economy isn't helping. The whites here are NOT scared though, just laying back and bottling up anger, which isn't good.

The blacks feel cheated too. A weird revival of Black/White unity is springing up more. I've never seen blacks and whites hanging out as much since the 80's.

The Asians are being quiet. Asian and whites always got along. Asians and blacks, not so much.

Now I don't say this to be so fixated on race. But I keep racially aware because being born and raised in Los Angeles teaches you some weird things about "Multi-Culturalism" and what goes with it. This is Ground Zero of the grand experiment in a way.

And also please do not accuse me of being racist toward "Mexicans". I know how to separate Hispanic people from their country of origin. The Mexicans, Hondurans, and maybe Salvadorans are the ones that are the biggest groups of Hispanic "Illegals" here. I know because I live it and am in the middle of it daily.

If tension between the "Hispanics" and, well basically everyone else, was VISIBLE, it would be a Neon green cloud over L.A.

About the "riots" here over the cop shooting

I have not heard one mention on the streets. Nobody is saying anything. Most people here are pissed because of the economy here, and the cost of living. I would say that EVERYONE has that common theme here. The other stuff is in the background, but it's there.

There are also no Mexicans even mentioning the film "Machete". No huge race war brewing. In fact, I don't even think most Mexicans even like the idea of the movie.

Well, that's what I see going on here. Hope it gives a clearer picture.