As a proud U.S. citizen who lived in Mexico for 30 years here are some facts of the words "La Raza".

The word "Raza" has a negative connotation in Mexico. It is used to refer to minorities who have Brown skin, or have indigenous race. It is mostly used to refer to the uneducated rif-raf who do manual labor. That word traveled to the U.S. during the bracero program who's men used it with pride as a way to refer to people with similar background, race, culture as their own. The words "Raza" continues to be used by people of Brown skin to refer to people of their own race.

Therefore "La Raza" is not a common word in Mexico. It is not used to refer to "People" in general. That word would be "gente". In Mexico and in the U.S., "La Raza" has a race connotation since it is used to refer to people of brown skin. The difference is that in Mexico the word has a negative connotation (minorities), while in the U.S. it has a superiority connotation.