... top-dream/

Just got word of an upcoming protest against an attempt by the Illinois legislature to institute yet another statewide version of what is essentially a slightly watered-down DREAM Act. In addition to Governor Pat Quinn’s decision to opt out of Secure Communities, this decision merely illustrates the contempt Illinois politicians have for American citizens. Here are the details you’ll need in order to attend the upcoming counter-protest, which I recommend for all those living in that part of the Mid-west:

Come rally with us Saturday May 14th at 3PM in Chicago at State Senator John Cullertons office. Bring Flags, signs and let your voice be heard in opposing Illinois Taxpayers footing the bill for college tuition for illegal aliens.

At a time when unemployment in Illinois is at an all time high this Illinois Senate President should be working on issues that effect all law abiding citizens of Illinois. Instead Democrats and Republicans alike are pushing through the ILLINOIS DREAM ACT.

American citizens have voted the DREAM ACT down numerous times. Now turning a deaf ear to law abiding Taxpayers, these politicians some of who are ILLINOIS TEA PARTY CANDIDATES (BILL BRADY Republican Governor candiate is pushing this bill to pass!)are supporting and voting for funding tuition for illegal aliens.

Please make plans and bring a friend! Come to the northside of CHICAGO and rally with us.

SATURDAY MAY 14th 3PM outside Illinois Senate President’s office 4237 N. Lincoln ave. Chicago.