Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Careful What You Wish For

One of the things that President Obama wants to do in 2010 is deal with the illegal immigration problem in the United States. This attempt to grow the Democrat Party by 10 to 20 million new voters is offensive to most Americans, but as the health care debate has shown, our government does not care what we think. So let’s play devil’s advocate for a moment and imagine that the Democrats and RINOs will grant amnesty to illegals. What does that mean?

The first thing we must do is realize that for a lot of illegals in the United States, there is no desire to become citizens. Living here is just a job for many people and many have plans to return to their homeland once a certain amount of money has been made. We’re not used to that idea, as most of our immigrants in the past came to the United States in order to have a better life. There was a great story in Ronald Reagan’s speech endorsing Barry Goldwater for president. Reagan explained how a couple of his colleagues were discussing with their Cuban friend how lucky they felt that we lived in a free country. Their Cuban friend said to them, “You think you’re lucky? I had a place to escape to.â€