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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Watch Fox News 11pm Central-"The Truth About ACORN"


    I watched "The Truth About ACORN" on Fox News tonight and it was Excellent! It's a whole hour investigating their dealings. It's being played again at 11pm Central (check your listing).

    It's worth watching.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator GeorgiaPeach's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Thank you Melissa. I wanted to watch this and forgot about it. I will try to catch the replay.

    Jeremiah 29:11
    Matthew 19:26
    But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    While this was great coverage I feel Fox is only using the patriot movement to boost ratings. They at least have management that sees where the wind is blowing for the moment (and obviously knows how to play people) . All of mainstream media is controlled by the few. While I appreciate that they are getting some real investigative journalism (for the moment) out there, do NOT be complacent! This is about ratings pure and simple! It will only last as long as the ratings do!
    Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God

  4. #4
    Super Moderator GeorgiaPeach's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    You make a valid point. This is the reason to watch these specials and to email our viewpoints so that our voices are heard. If they wish to cater to the growing dissatisfaction of the American public, then they will express our discontent and expose the corruption that we see. If it benefits us, the American people, and them as a corporate news outlet, we both gain something.

    We need to encourage the other news sources to do these types of news stories. However, they would probably slant them a bit differently.

    Jeremiah 29:11
    Matthew 19:26
    But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

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  5. #5
    Senior Member azwreath's Avatar
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    You make a valid point. This is the reason to watch these specials and to email our viewpoints so that our voices are heard. If they wish to cater to the growing dissatisfaction of the American public, then they will express our discontent and expose the corruption that we see. If it benefits us, the American people, and them as a corporate news outlet, we both gain something.

    We need to encourage the other news sources to do these types of news stories. However, they would probably slant them a bit differently.

    Jeremiah 29:11

    Great points GP!

    I have become very disappointed in the growing trend toward "Fox flogging" that has emerged in blasting the network as only being out for profit and ratings as well as accusations toward Glenn Beck and other Fox journalists as being nothing more than celebrity-seeking, profit driven and....among the more ludicrous contentions......"agents" hired by globalists to distract "We the slack jawed Sheeple" with what amounts to a scripted and staged theatrical production while some diabolical final plan is put into place at which point all of this exposure will become a moot point because we'll be living under a dictatorship so it won't matter what we know anyway.

    From my own observations, this assault originated on two being from the liberal left seeking to discredit Fox and it's journalists, the other.....which I really find incredibly sad.....being from other media sources which seem to suffering from nothing more than a horrid case of professional jealousy.

    The former is to be expected. The latter is dismaying in the sheer hypocrisy of it.

    The non-MSM has loudly and roundly criticized the tactics of the MSM, building it's following, and owing it's success to, being the alternative for those fed up with the government lap-dog MSM. Yet, at a time when it's more important than ever for the alternative media and the American people to unite in ever-increasing numbers, and stay that way, we see some of these same non-MSM entities and individuals resorting to the same type of tactics utilized by the MSM and creating a "fan based" divide.

    To me, it's a terrible shame to see this happening.

    Yes, Fox is a business. Businesses make money as do their employees. Those who patronize those businesses benefit from receiving the product or service they are looking for.

    That's exactly how it's supposed to work for God's sake!! So where does the criticism of profits, ratings, and popularity even make a bit of sense? It really doesn't and is even more nonsensical when the people doing the criticizing are operating no differently in terms of ratings, a following, sponsors and profits from advertising, books, videos, and a plethora of related gear.

    I'm in agreement with you GP and I know we've both said this before since this contrived controversy bubbled doesn't matter WHO has broken this much-needed and long overdue exposure of ACORN, obama, what is going on in this administration, etc., the important thing is that someone HAS and it was very much a cohesive effort on the part of people the majority of whom are not known to the public yet.

    And the one question I'm still waiting on an answer to from the critics is this: If not Fox, Beck and the others then who? Who can they tell us should've been the one who brought this all out which would meet the standard of absolutely no benefit.....nothing at all in any way, shape, or the individual or entity involved?

    I highly suspect that we will never get that answer either because there isn't one. There is not one single person, or outlet, journalist, private investigator, attorney, whoever......which has been working dilligently on this that can possibly meet such an impossible standard.
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  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Here is their email page:,2933,775 ... 0000:b0:z5

    Here is their Fox News phone #:

    We want YOUR input! Tell us what you love, tell us what you hate ... just don't keep it to yourself! As a FOX Fan, you'll have a unique opportunity to make your voice heard and affect change at FNC. Below, you'll find a few ways to contact us. BUT, if you're more of a phone person, you can call us at 1-888-369-4762.

    If you have better contact info please post.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Here's the email for News Specials:

    Please ask them to do more investigative reporting and to ask the question if government should be giving $'s to nonprofits at all (I don't think they should - most of them are as bad as ACORN).

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2008
    I will be watching tonight, as I saw it after half of it was over. What I saw was very, very good and I really want a copy of that 88-page report from Congress about ACORN.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Rep. Issa produced report and here is the link:
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  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    TEXAS - The Lone Star State
    it does make for some good reading

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