About the Commission | House Democracy Assistance Commission

About the Commission | House Democracy Assistance Commission

House Democracy Assistance Commission


The mission of the House Democracy Assistance Commission is to promote responsive, effective government and strengthen democratic institutions by assisting legislatures in emerging democracies. Central to the Commission’s work is peer-to-peer cooperation to build technical expertise in partner legislatures that will enhance accountability, transparency, legislative independence, access to information, and government oversight.

To: hdac@mail.house.gov

Dear Commission
While you are busy bringing democracy around the world and promoting responsive, effective government and strengthen democratic institutions by assisting legislatures in emerging democracies, our own government has found it's way to a ghetto and lawless nation allowing unpresidented millions of illegal aliens to criminally cross our borders.Most are uneducated,who undercut Americans for jobs, have dieases, are smuggling drugs and humans, potential terrorist from around the world entering our borders, cartell vicious crimes and murders that are crossing over our borders, with a large number of perpetual crimes,kidnappings and murder on Americans and borderpatrol agents,cops and newspeople.
Americans are not expected to provide housing, healthcare, education or any social benefits to those who invade our country, because their own country doesn't provide or promote human rights. Mexico is one of the richest countries in Latin America and if this were another country, this government would be ostracizing it, instead of trying to push outrageous,contemptible,disgraceful and unwanted immigration bills for illegal aliens.Our immigration isn't broken, it just doesn't fit illegal invaders,nor should it.Our government isn't listening to the American people, who vote and pay all the bills. Trust is a must, and it's no longer there.We have been lied to, deceived and totally disreguarded as "We the people" with a constitution.
If we are an example to serve up to the world for a democratic country and government... To The world your committee will have a hard sell, because we are looked at as a joke around the world.
We are lifelong financial supporters and We will never vote for or support our Congressional party if any of our Senators or Representatives vote for any form of amnesty. In fact,We will actively work against the party and donate to anyone who challenges our now Senators/Representives in the next election.

A very ashamed American,