Oregon has a Senator from each party and this week our RINO (Republican In Name Only) Gordon Smith broke ranks with El' Presidente and took a strong position against S 1348 and it's equally evil twin. He called the bill "Backdoor Amnesty" and pledged not to support it. He has also drafted an alternate bill that would punish employers and begin the process of self deportation.

Oregon's Gordon Smith and his Democrat counterpart from Oregon, Ron Wyden, have worked hand in hand on a number of issues and even though I don't always agree with their positions; I appreciate that they don't act like 10 year olds. They are friends and seem to really like each other.

Here's where we might win a recruit. Ron Wyden doesn't have a great history on illegal immigration but built his reputation on helping Senior Citizens and protecting Social Security. Senator Wyden was always at the forefront when he was in the Oregon Legislature fighting for and protecting Seniors. He went onto the House of Representatives and eventually the Senate continuing his crusade for America's retirees.

He has been silent on S 1348 and S1639 and voted for cloture along party lines. As we know, passage of the bill will be devistating for the Social Security system that most Seniors hold dearly. It will put an unfair burden on all of us especially retirees.

Since AARP doesn't care at all about it's members and refuses to take a position against S 1639, we might get Senator Ron Wyden to speak out on their behalf.

Please call, fax and e-mail Senator Wyden starting todayand remind him of his history of fighting for Senior Citizens and protecting Social Security. Remind him that every past amnesty has made things worse and that Senator Smith has declared the bill an amnesty. Remind him that few are speaking out for the Seniors of this country and that he should. Also remind him that the Democrat leaning AFL CIO has come out in opposition of the amnesty bill. Let him know that 70+ percent of his constituents in bothe parties oppose the bill. He may become less lied by the party leadership but will be a hero to the people of Oregon and the Senior Citizens of America.

Who knows, it just might work. His website is http://wyden.senate.gov/
and Oregon residents can e-mail from there. If you are not in Oregon, he can be e-mailed at http://www.congress.org . His office numbers are:

Washington, DC
(202) 224-5244
Fax: (202) 228-2717

Portland, OR
(503) 326-7525
Fax: (503) 326-7528

Eugene, OR
(541) 431-0229

Salem, OR
(503) 589-4555

Let's start today so the faxes, e-mails and phone calls are waiting for him in the morning.