Boehner declares war on ACORN

posted at 5:05 pm on October 9, 2008 by Ed Morrissey

Congressional Republicans have finally demanded an end to federal funding for ACORN after more than a dozen states have opened investigations into fraud in their voter-registration efforts.

House Minority Leader John Boehner has not only called to end that funding for ACORN but also for all federal candidates to stop contracting with ACORN while investigations continue into their business practices:

House Republican leader John A. Boehner of Ohio escalated the war on ACORN today, calling for it to be cut off from all federal money and going so far as to call for a ban on ACORN contracting with candidates for federal office.

ACORN, a community organizing group allied with Democrats, has been blamed by the GOP for pushing housing policies that Republicans say contributed to the housing crisis.

It has been the subject of investigations for voter registration fraud and its Nevada offices were recently raided. …

ACORN receives federal money through the affordable housing trust fund after that money has been sent to states and local governments. So Congress, to keep the group from getting money, would need to specifically forbid ACORN from being eligible to get federal funds.

“Contracting for services between candidates for federal office and ACORN, as Sen. Obama has done, must end,â€