Hello All,
I have been doing some thinking and I wanted to run this idea past everyone. I think we need to follow a new track to force the Government to perform its function, and to limit its power.
The ACLU and the One-World wing in this country have, for years taken the America we knew to court, and have legislated changes from a court bench. I am thinking that we should do the same. In all parts of the country, illegal immigration has been a drag on financial, medical and American resources. The ACLU knows that all it has to do is show up in court, use some bullying tactics, and walla, it gets money, and tears a little bit more out of the Constitution. With the nature of corruption, and power abuses in the ACLU AND the Government, why doesnt our side do the same. The thrust of what I am thinking is that if we sue the DNC/RNC and radical anti-American orgs for failing to uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights, we might get some highly unconstitutional laws off of the books, and buy us more time in the fight to protect our nation. As a result of their radical agendas, we have seen tremendous abuses of power, failure to solve the CONSTITUTIONAL limitation of power and abuse of power, governmental intrusion and over-regulation etc. Listing the unconstitutionality of what laws have been passed, and how we are suffering as a result, could be the way to do this. If we could find a few brave, patriotic lawyers, who are willing to do this Pro Bono, or utilize the court to ask for damages (I know getting damages are a difficult prospect at best) I do believe that we could SEVERELY limit the power of the Federal Government, by forcing it to follow the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Therefore, I feel we should hit the Government (I am thinking of the DNC and RNC specifically)AND organizations like the ACLU with a stealth lawsuit, or lawsuits at the same time across the country both to force them to fight us head on and to force a limitation of Governmental and organizational power. This way neither entity would be able to ignore the illegal problem, and force it to deal with it, as it was intended. I might be completely off base here, but, if our side could use the states own charters (ALL of them list an allegiance to the Constitution) could we not force the ACLU and organizations like La Raza into a defensive posture instead of the offense with NO check on their power they currently enjoy?
Needless to say the fight will be bitter and intense, but, if the founding documents are the guidelines and the SUPREME law of the land; there is NO precedent that might trump them.
Anyway, that is my thought. The question now is, would this be feasible? I would love to hit the radical race baiting groups like La Raza and the ACLU in the pocketbook, where it hurts the most. What do you think?