I have gone onto the FoxNews website yesterday and today and what makes the top headline news. Is it that our economy is in a free fall? No! Is it that the stock market is crashing? No! Is it that none of the rich fat cat crooks on Wall St are going to get indicted for causing all of this? No! Is it that millions of illegals are invading us every year sucking us dry and is one of the root causes of what is happening to our economy? No!

What made the top headline news yesterday and today?

A camera shot from a Reuters reporter taken of Sarah Palin's legs and asked if this is sexist. After all that has happened in our country the last few years or the last few weeks for that matter and this is what makes the top story. I mean this was so important that this had to take priority over all the bad s--t that's happening in our country? This is what passes as a top story at FoxNews?

We are in big trouble. Was this some effort to try to pump up McLame's pathetic campaign? This doesn't tell me much about Sarah Palin's dignity because just like I said, McCain is using her as nothing more than eye candy. What the GOP is doing to her is shameful. SHAMEFUL!!! The GOP are nothing more than a bunch of spoiled rich kids who have lost their damn minds. They turned this woman into a joke. Obama will end up winning this election by a landslide, not because he's good, but because the GOP shoved this piece of garbage down our throats and Republican voters are sick of it. They had a chance to get a real conservative like Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, Duncan Hunter or even Mitt Romney. Instead they go for this vile, lying, liberal, milquetoast, traitorous moron who is cut from the same mold as Bush.

Once again the media refuses to tell us what's really going on. They have the power to expose these traitors in our country for what they really are, but instead they are nothing more than an overglorified entertainment weekly or are a bunch of wannabe paparazzi's. It makes me sick.