The ACLU Does Not Want You to Know This

It has become a crass and sobering example of how our authorities, on all levels, are in contempt of the nation and the Constitution. Law enforcement and protectors, sworn to protect the nation, ignore the illegal aliens and the proven facts. They are simply and overtly derelict in duty and must be arrested, suspended, and face a court of law for such crimes against the people. The ACLU does not want you to know this.

When stopped for a traffic offense or a higher crime, the police officers, and the authorities above the police officer, have no choice in the matter; that its, illegal aliens must be viewed and treated for that what they are: people who are criminal and illegally in this nation. The law is clear. Therefore, we have very clear cases where these offenders with authority, who by their actions are simply disguised as protectors of the law and the nation, and who misuse their respective offices, are in need of going to jail until they go to trial.

Illegal aliens must be arrested when they apply for services and deported. If not, the people who should protect us have failed and are subject to charges of dereliction of duty and criminal neglect. Call the police, sheriff, ICE, et al, on those officials aiding and abetting the criminal enemy in any way. File charges, make police reports. If they say you can not make a report, then report that too! The authorities are terrified of this possibility. Imagine, the people rising up to use the law!

All police officers, on up to the highest authorities, swear to uphold the laws of the 'whole' nation and protect the citizens and the Constitution. All failures by any public servants must be reported via a police report at the very least... As it is, looking the other way 'is a crime.' ...

Prosecute mayors, officials, law enforcement, et al, if they permit criminals to continue breaking the law, entering the U.S. illegally is only the beginning. This is the citizen's responsibility and duty. This is the reason for, and heart of, the existence of this republic.

Above all, those on any level of the public payroll must be arrested, charged, and marched in front of a Judge in a court of law. All of us must make the effort. Further, Judges must be closely scrutinized to see if they any judges in remiss and derelict in protecting the nation and our people.

Raise your voice and take to the phone and go to the local law enforcement precincts and report & file charges. Be sure to Follow-up with letters to all authorities and the elected officials who may have some bearing on the process. Please take note, that the subversive organizations, to include the ACLU, and the underground illegal alien groups are swamping your representatives with material, letters, e-mails, calls, while we sleep. They work to make their small minority look very strong and influential. Yes, you, I, we are losing! Unless you, I, we do something.