MUZZLE GERALDO RIVERA! Help expose the dangerous lies in his book "Hispanic," lest people believe this garbage and, God help us, consider supporting amnesty and open borders!

Watch this video and please, consider passing it on to everyone on your email tree who loves this country as much as you do. . .

OF THEE I SING is committed to a "Muzzle Geraldo" campaign. What is this and why? I have admired Mr. Rivera for much of his career. But his new book "Hispanic" is not only poor written and abysmally researched, it is also full of half-truths and lies. Furthermore, he does not even touch on some of the most alarming issues embedded within the ILLEGAL immigration debate. However, Mr. Rivera has a large fan base, and if his followers are to make the mistake of believing this book, we could be racing that much closer to the disaster of open borders and/or total amnesty. Hence, "Muzzle Geraldo," (not literally of course), but make him so unpopular that he cannot engage in this kind of unethical journalism again. A retraction and an apology to the citizens of the United States is due from Geraldo. So, why is OF THEE I SING dedicated to this campaign, instead of just ignoring the silly book, as millions are??? (Poor Geraldo's book sales can't compare to other, ANTI-ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION books on the subject.)

I offer you FOUR reasons we need to hold his feet to the fire:

1. Neither presidential candidate has a satisfactory stance on the Illegal Immigration crisis; Geraldo's celebrity, attacked in the "Muzzle Geraldo" campaign, may help to turn national attention back on this crisis.
2. Geraldo is a powerful man, and he used that power to crank out a book full of falsehoods: if we attack his book and its falsehoods, we expose the dangers of illegal immigration, without looking like we are picking on these poor people "who just come here to work, and find a better life." Yeah, right. Instead, we are just "Davids" going after a "Goliath," and holding him accountable for abusing his power.
3. Most immigration stories tend to be local-another tragic death in a drive-by shooting, another emergency room going bust, another education budget crisis. But, again, as Geraldo is a nationally prominent figure, attacking his book becomes more of a national story that people across the country will explore.
4. Each chapter of Geraldo's book is a disaster that needs to be individually addressed. And it will be. Hence, the story keeps growing, it doesn't go away. . .